VENDOR REGISTRATION: Columbus Job Fair Expo – WEST 2024
Columbus Job Fair – West
November 6th, 2024
Find new employees to help expand, grow, or sustain your business. Find employees looking for part-time, full-time, virtual, career, seasonal, winter help or virtual work. All employment opportunities welcome! We are here to help you.
Vendor Registration
- When: November 6th (Wednesday 5PM – 7PM)
- Where: Franklin County Fairgrounds – Edwards Building (4100 Columbia St, Hillliard, OH, 43026)
- Who Attends: People looking for employment that live in Hilliard, Dublin, Upper Arlington, Grovecity, Plain City, Galloway, Grove City, and west Columbus area.
- How it works: Indoor live event! Job seekers pre-register to attend the event. Admission is free.
- Expected Attendance: 200-400+
- Event page: COMING SOON
- Electricity: Yes, available for the event (no charge)
- Table & Chairs Included: No additional Fee
Special Items at the event:
- VIP Entry Bag: The 1st 150 attendees will receive a special VIP bag with various coupons and goodies. Help showcase your brand by providing something special to the attendees.
- Light music: Enjoyable light music will be played at the stage to help create a comfortable environment
- Beverages & Drinks: Soft drinks, water, and other beverages will be available for free for all attendees of the event.
Sponsorship or Booth Opportunities (event is indoors):
Booth included with sponsorship plus name and types of job hiring can be included on the main event page & welcome sheet at the event! Only 1 sponsor allowed for each item.
(1) TITLE SPONSOR (Diamond): $600
- 1st Booth at the event
- Titled into the name – Presenting Sponsor
- Your Logo included on Event Logo
- Included & featured on all marketing of the job fair
- Direct linked to your website at the top of the event page
- 5’x2 banner at parking lot entrance & Stage
- Your Flyer/Brochure distributed to all attendees:
- Email Address of all attendees
(2) PREMIER SPONSOR (Diamond): $450
- 2nd Booth at the event
- Included & featured on marketing of the job fair
- Direct linked to your website at the near top of the event page
- 5’x2 banner at parking lot entrance
- Your Flyer/Brochure distributed to all attendees
(3) STAGE SPONSOR (Platinum): $375
- Presenting Sponsor of all stage activities & raffle give-aways
- Direct linked to your website on event page (raffle area)
- 3rd Booth at the event
- 5’x2 banner at the stage
- Stage Mentions
- Your Flyer/Brochure distributed to all attendees:
(4) BEVERAGE SPONSOR (Gold): $350
- Presenting Sponsor of beverage area
- Direct linked to your website on event page (drink area)
- Booth beside the beverage area (high traffic spot)
- 5’x2 banner at the beverage area
- Your Flyer/Brochure distributed to all attendees:
(5) BEVERAGE SPONSOR (Gold): $325
- Booth in the 1st 7 of the job fair
- 5’x2 banner at main entrance
- Your Flyer/Brochure distributed to all attendees
Booth Only Options – Booth Price Inceases Sept 20th to $300:
- General Booth Only (8 x8): $250
- Flyer / coupon / special goody to all Attendees: We distribute your flyers, coupon, or whatever to all event attendees: $75
Ticket Price :- $75 – $600
Ticket available at :- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/vendor-registration-columbus-job-fair-expo-west-2024-registration-792006341287?